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Susan Ann Samuel is an Indian lawyer and PhD Researcher at the University of Leeds, School of Politics and International Studies (POLIS). Along with her doctoral studies, she serves as the Fellowship Officer at Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL), a rapporteur of Global Climate Litigation Peer-Review network with Sabin Centre Climate Change Law - Columbia Law School, a member of IUCN WCEL (International Union for Conservation of Nature - World Commission on Environmental Law) and Global Network of Human Rights and Environment (GNHRE). She is currently a teaching assistant on the module - Global Development Challenges, at POLIS, University of Leeds
Previously, she has had experiences with litigation, policy research, legal analysis, and court work in India, as a lawyer enrolled at The Bar Council of Kerala, India (Oct 2019) and having worked in the District/Sessions Court, Thiruvananthapuram for nearly a year before doing LLM International Law in University of Edinburgh (2020-2021). Further which, worked as a legal intern with OHCHR (Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights) in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and UNOV/UNODC (United Nations Office in Vienna - UN Office on Drugs and Crimes) in Vienna, Austria.
Also an author, having published academic and non-academic books. Her debut work Unseen Yet Seen (2018) is non-academic, and she has co-edited Climate Litigation and Vulnerabilities: Global South Perspectives (forthcoming, 2025).
Susan actively pursues academic and field expertise in human rights advocacy with focus on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and enjoys research into Climate Politics, Sustainable Development and international norm dynamics.
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