In Baku for UN Climate Change Conference COP29

Grateful to have this opportunity to be at #Baku, Azerbaijan, for the UN Climate Change - UNFCCC COP29. I am here as part of the delegation of the University of Leeds - representing the #UNFCCC Task Force as youth representative, and Priestley Centre for Climate Futures.
This time for the COP, I am focusing on following the negotiations—its normativity (and how different global norms interact with each other; my PhD topic), the political realities that are influencing the climate future, and the rising interplay of law and politics in the climate governance. As COP29 begins today, there are a few important trends to note. The grim silence and apprehension in the aftermath of the US elections is real - everyone worry as to how "solidarity" for climate action will ever mean to be - although stronger voices from the youth, IndigenousPeople, CSOs and women are empowering the space with passion. New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance (NCQG) will determine whether action and ambition (the two pillars of COP29's focus) will broker a renewed trust for Climate Finance. The pressure for negotiators to bring about a quicker decision on Article6 of the Paris Agreement is noted. These and more - fill the talks today.
Along with following these negotiations and trends—I am eager to explore more nuances for the central concept for the interdisciplinary book I am co-editing with Richard Beardsworth, Clare Martynski, and Viktoria Spaiser - "Climate Futures across Disciplines: A Next Generation Approach" [Forthcoming by Routledge in 2025]. Stay tuned to know more about this. If you're in #Baku for the first week of #COP29 - feel free to connect!!