Main collaborators: Prof. Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger, Susan Ann Samuel, Tejas Rao, Maeve McDermott, Ananya Chaudhuri, Maria Antonietta Nestor [Climate Law and Governance Initiative (link)]
Overview: Climate Law Capacity Registry Initiative which stems from the CLGI pledge during COP26 in Glasgow, to increase the capacity of law and governance specialists across the globe tenfold by 2024.
Expected outcome: Aim is to have 6000+ law and governance specialists by 2024.
Unique Contribution: Spearheaded initiatives to collate networks. As of November 2024, we have 6000+ law experts and specialists on board. It was a combined effort of the team.
Institutions involved: Centre for International Sustainable Development Law, University of Cambridge, University of McGill, Climate Law and Governance Initiative

At ADA University, Baku, Azerbaijan; for Climate Specialisation Course (organised by CLGI) where we celebrated 6000+ law and governance specialists in Climate Law Capacity Registry (among others).