Speaking at San Francisco on Climate Politics—A Normative Discourse

Speaking at San Francisco on Climate Politics—A Normative Discourse

Delighted to have had the opportunity to present at International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Conference 2024 at San Francisco (April 3rd - 6th, 2024) for the panel “Dynamics of Climate Change: Navigating Regulation, Networks and Relationality”, fostering a very vibrant engaging discussion with the panellists and audience.

I spoke on - “Recentering Relationality: A Normative Discourse on International Climate Negotiations” looking into the role of negotiators in international climate negotiations and the importance of human agency in negotiations. It was a valuable experience to delve into a topic that largely revolves around my doctoral research.

Apart from the presentation, I spent time volunteering for ISA during this conference, and hence it was more of running around and helping that events and the whole conference was going okay. It was fun.